Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sonic Hot Dogs

This weekend has been pretty eventful and just flew by! I guess dreaming all weekend about our hot tub house for next year doesn't help..

Let's see the weekend consisted of a birthday celebration Friday night, going to see Tangled at the dollar theater Saturday morning (The best place to spend all your extra change lying around in the bottom of your purse. Plus it is a better deal then even Group-On can offer!), a baseball game Saturday night, a Sonic hot dog, and oh yes and the ACMs on Sunday night!

But the best part of the weekend was my Saturday evening hot dog, and then the baseball game of course.There is nothing better than good weather and a man in a baseball uniform! It was a perfect evening for a game and it does not hurt that OU is pretty good. I do not know about you, but you can not go to a baseball game without one, craving a hot dog and then obviously getting a hot dog! They are simply a necessity. The only problem is that I did not want to spend $4 dollars on one at the concession stand.

So after the game, we had a hot dog hunting adventure! First we stopped at seven eleven. They only had the hot dogs where you buy them from the fridge and then heat them up in the microwave. No thank you. Then we went to the Shell that was on Lindsey. They take their hot dogs off at 6 p.m. Bad bad call. And then the lightbulb went on!

We decided to go to Sonic to try their new selection of hot dogs. Now I will be honest, I was very hesitant about their new hot dog nonsense. There is just no way that those pickles really look like that in real life. But I caved and got the New Yorker hot dog with no onions. I am not an onion-er. It quite possibly could be my new favorite food item at the moment. It was delicious!! I guess that hot dog nonsense is really yummy nonsense!

Sunday evening I forgot that the ACMs were on! HeyO they were Hiarious! Blake Shelton and Reba McIntire were a great pair and some of the best hosts I have seen in a while.

But the bottom line is that mom, yes I did get my other research paper finished and it is safely turned in.

And so on,

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