Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Warming my Heart

Volunteering has always been a passion of mine. I do not know what it is. There is just something about how it makes me feel inside. So when one of my greatest friends Alex found out about City Resuce Mission we jumped at the chance to volunteer there! Now I feel like all we do is eat, sleep, and think about City Rescue Mission, but more importantly about our little kiddos. Alex and I volunteer tutoring the kids that live in the facility two days a week. (I hope our friends are not too annoyed by us). We are like proud mommas!

I would be lying if I told you that it was a walk in the park, because it is not. Some days, especially at the beginning, it was a struggle a big struggle. I think sometimes we get the notion in our head that we are going to change the lives of whoever we are helping. But reality is, it is not that simple. The four hours a week we spend with them is not even a fraction of a whole day. So how can we really be making a difference? We have learned in our 10th week of tutoring that all we can do is give them love, something we are so eager to do! We have become so passionate about these "twits" (Alex's favorite word to describe them) even when they are throwing scissors, yes scissors, because we are making them do their homework or because someone took the red crayon that was sitting on the table next to someone else who was not using it because they were coloring with the blue. (Sharing is something they tend to struggle with).

These kids inspire me. I am not sure why, but they do. I love walking into the classroom or simply into the building and seeing little Octvian (I still do not think he knows how to spell his name. So when I help him with his kindergarten homework we are both guessing) or sassy Tiana there waiting with a big smile. I even love seeing my little Genevieve who I know if she is the first person I give a big bear hug too she will grab my hand and want me to watch her do her homework and then color a picture. (If I look away for a split second she will do the most dramatic whine/scream I have ever heard in my life).

Every day after we sign out we walk as quickly to the car as possible because we can not wait to share all our hilarious stories of the day. Here are some of my favorite silly little stories...

Me: I am holding a little baby with just a diaper on. Little babies run in and out of the classroom quite frequently and we are always having to shoo them out. But today I picked one up and just plopped it on my lap. I was really wanting to cuddle and this one seemed like it would be the perfect one to keep me company, a bit on the pudgy side. I was talking to the other kids at the table because obviously my baby friend could not talk yet and asked a question probably something like, "what is his name?" I got a very quick answer back, "it is not a boy, she is a girl." In my defense "she" did not have a shirt on.


Me: One of our very favorite little girls who everyone calls Baby Girl, an absolute complete mess but you can not help but adore, was sitting on my lap. I was just making small talk asking how everyone's day was and then I asked generally to the table, "Baby Girl how did you get your nick name?"
Charles (Defintion of a lady's man and a very protective brother of his older sister): Her name is baby girl...
Me: Oh uhh uhh, that is cute! (I can just hear Alex behind me chuckling away).

Obviously these stories would seem more humorous to you if you knew these little kids, but these are the stories that are constantly making us laugh for weeks after.

These little kids make my heart smile. I encourage you to go and volunteer somewhere, anywhere. It could be volunteering at a food pantry, at your nearest pet shelter, or at the special olympics. But whatever you choose to do I promise it will warm you heart.


  1. Just read this and it warmed my heart! Can't wait to see our kids tomorrow! Rest up :)

  2. Loved every word of this. I'm so glad you're a fellow blogger. Love you!
