Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weekend Extravaganza!

This weekend was nothing short of exciting, and less sleep than I normally get. Three birthdays, a wedding shower, and a freezing cold, thunderstorm, hailing, no part of my body was dry marathon... (you thought for a second I ran it, didn't you?) Great way to end the second to last weekend of the school year, AHHHH!

First up, Jilly turns 21, which means the Mont Thursday night at midnight. The birthday princess would not let me snap a picture.

Friday we headed to Fuzzy's for lunch!

Jilly and Tayla Flave's birthday celebration at Iguana Grill in Oklahoma City! (I give the crab tacos a 10).

Saturday there was a wedding shower for one of my friends that is a year older than me.
(no picture, whoops)

And then Cait Cait turned 21! We went to West in OKC. Patio, beautiful evening, great fun! (If you go you must get the sweet potato fries).

Sunday morning rain, shine, or...HAIL, Emily and Alex did it! They ran the OKC Memorial Marathon and we could not be more proud of them!! Not only was it thundering and lightening but it started hailing twice during the marathon. And we, the supporters, were not prepared for the weather whatsoever and the 2 and 1/2 hours cheering on all the runners. My friends are rock stars.

Little em trying to get warm after the race

And to top it all off one of my greatest friends that I have known since the early days of kindergarten and my roommate freshmen came in from Arkansas! (She went to OU freshmen year then transferred to The University of Arkansas where she is originally from) Look at that bundle of joy!

Well that is my weekend in a nut shell! Maybe I will start training for a marathon! Okay maybe on a half, or maybe I should first stick to a couple of miles...

And so on,

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